- 22Apr2018
Curb appeal is not just about having a trimmed lawn and a spectacular paint job. To make sure your yard looks flawless at all times, it is essential to have a lighting system that maintains its appearance even after nightfall.
A well-planned landscape lighting is important to make sure that your yard and house look stunning even after the sunsets. Bad lighting design can make even the most spectacular lawn look dull and boring, so calculated outdoor lighting is important to make your garden lighting and home lighting up.
There are certain basic purposes of landscape lighting such as making sure it is safe to navigate the yard at nighttime; providing security against thieves; and obviously, drawing more attention towards and highlighting certain elements of your outdoor setting. Most people approach outdoor lighting with extreme carelessness and fail to determine the appropriate fixtures for their landscape and arrange a way to power them sufficiently. For this reason, it is important to consult professionals while planning your landscape lighting to make sure you get the various details right.
Illuminate trees and plants the right way
Plants absorb light. It is remarkable how much light is required to successfully illuminate a tree or a plant. Uplights- lights mounted in the ground, either on a moveable spike or recessed into the earth- are ideal to light up plants. Trees with a spreading canopy look particularly dramatic and intriguing when uplit in the dark. The light disperses up the tree or plant (generally through foliage growing at the bottom) and fades away into the dark, which means that there are no great halos cast into the night sky. Light pollution can be a problem in town settings for migrating bats, insects and birds. It is also essential to take neighboring properties into consideration who would appreciate your garden’s lighting washing out on their yard.
Make use of these three types of lightings
There are three types of lighting you can incorporate into your design: accent, task, and ambient. You can get accent lighting using spotlights and landscape kits. Task lighting can be achieved using deck lights, pathway lights, and security lights. Ambient lighting includes post lights, wall lights, and hanging lights. If you have a small patio and your budget is limited, consider LED candles, string lights, and solar spotlights.
Plan out how much lighting is required
Before you begin shopping, it is important to determine how much lighting is actually required. To figure out how much light is required by a space, you can use this quick and easy formula: to calculate a rough estimation of the wattage needed, multiply the sq. the foot of area you want to light up by 1.5. For instance, 150 watts would be required by a space of 100 square feet.
Plan Before Picking Home Lighting Fixtures in Charleston
Examine your outdoor space and measure things to make sure you choose fixtures of the appropriate size. It is important to check the position and size of a fixture before purchasing it. You can do this by using a paper template to find out the exact placement and examine the size before purchasing the fixture.
For both the back patio and the front porch, the outdoor wall light’s size should be about one-third of the door’s height. You also want to ensure that the lighting you are picking is sturdy and is made of weather-resistant and high-quality materials.
Make use of LEDs
LED lights are not only cost-effective to run they also have a long lifespan but they also work perfectly as recessed lights in decking, paving and highlighting the change in level and steps in your home and garden. A moderate number of them can be used to effectively highlight planters and pots. LEDs typically work as feature lights; they may not provide you with enough light for dining outside but combined with other types of lights, they can help contribute to the aesthetic appeal of the yard.
See how it looks from the inside of your house
To determine the lighting you should choose and its placement, view your garden from the inside of your home. Take the appearance of the garden, pathways and patio spaces from your house into consideration. Lighting shrubbery or gardens that are visible from the dining or living room can provide a room-expanding view of the outdoors at nighttime. For garden areas, consider path lighting or use a solar lighting system for an easy and quick update of the style.
Make use of subtle lighting for entertainment areas
It would be safe to say that no one would enjoy a high-intensity spotlight over them as they are relishing a meal outdoors, therefore go for softer lighting in sitting areas. Certain outdoor areas such as those designated for dining should be illuminated with indirect, subtle lighting as it helps provide a calm and peaceful mood. Make use of pendants, outdoor lanterns, and fans with light kits to light up outdoor dining and seating areas. You can also make use of a dimmer to switch to bright light when preparing and cooking food or dim the brightness while relaxing and eating.
Keep security in mind
The purpose of outdoor lighting is to not only provide ambiance but it also provides security for your home. It is important to ensure all the entry areas of your yard are illuminated adequately. Mount a single light above or install a fixture on either side of the garage door outside the garage. For additional security, place spotlight on the eaves of your house to light up any area of the yard present in the shadows or use lanterns at windows, garages and side doors.
Nowadays, gardens are increasingly being used as multi-functional places that add to the living experience of the homeowners. When it comes to landscape lighting, whether your outdoor setting has water features, dining terraces, paths or sculpture, it is important to consider every element individually and light it up accordingly for the most effective lighting setup.
Home lightings and garden lightings are similar to creating a small bit of theatre. It enhances the appearance of the outdoor setting and extends the interior’s perception. However, as opposed to the interior, which requires only a basic level of illumination, the landscape lighting of a garden at nighttime can be regarded as a completely black canvas on which you have the ability to determine what to make visible and what to leave in the shadows. It offers the opportunity to display the outdoor space in a completely unique and new way than how it is visible during the day.
- 22 Apr, 2018
- brad
- 8 Tips For Lighting Up Your Home And Garden, Garden Lighting, Home lighting,